हमें कॉल करें
07317187065हमें कॉल करें
07317187065Product: Ventilator ICCU EQP
UncompromisingPerformance for Demanding Environments:
AdvancedVentilation Modes: From invasive to non-invasive, the VENTILATOR ICCU EQPoffers a comprehensive suite of ventilation modes to cater to diverse patient needs,including Pressure-Controlled Ventilation (PCV), Volume-Controlled Ventilation(VCV), Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV), and Bi-Level Positive AirwayPressure (BiPAP).
ïPrecisionControl and Monitoring: Integrated high-precision sensors and real-timemonitoring capabilities ensure accurate delivery of tidal volume, pressure, andflow, empowering clinicians to make informed decisions and optimize therapy.
ïEnhancedPatient Comfort and Safety: Features like synchronized sigh, APRV (AirwayPressure Release Ventilation), and leak compensation minimize patientdiscomfort and promote lung protection.
Built forReliability and Ease of Use:
ïIntuitiveInterface: The user-friendly interface with a clear, high-resolution LCDdisplay allows for quick and easy parameter adjustments, even in high-pressuresituations.
ïAlarmSystem: A comprehensive alarm system with both audible and visual indicatorsalerts the medical team to any potential issues, ensuring patient safety.
ïConnectivityand Data Management: Integrated data logging and communication capabilitiessimplify data recording and analysis, facilitating informed decision-making andimproved patient outcomes.
Designedwith You in Mind:
ïModularConstruction: The modular design allows for easy customization and futureupgrades, ensuring your ventilator remains at the forefront of critical caretechnology.
ïCompactand मोबाइल: The VENTILATOR ICCU EQP's compact footprint and maneuverabilitymake it ideal for various clinical settings, from intensive care units toemergency departmen
TheVENTILATOR ICCU EQP is a valuable addition to any healthcare facility seekingto equip their critical care unit with the latest technology and provide theirpatients with the best possible chance of recovery.
Price: Â