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Product: Bubble CPA
Advantages of Acquatherm :
Clinical studies have proved that high water vapor is effective inmobilizing thickened airway secretions.
Breathing warm & humidified gases from AcquathermTM is an effectivemethod
of core rewarming.
Warm humid gases have been found to inhibit the nasal response toallergy.
Water vapor at 41C is as effective as aerosol therapy in reducingallergic rhinitis symptoms.
The effect of heat & humidity optimizes the use of the nasalCannula thus helping the Practitioners to use higher flows.
Provides the User to use higher flows without adverse effects & patientdiscomfort like nasal drying, bleeding & septal breakdown.
Higher flow provides numerous clinical advantages
Advantages of AcquathermTM when combined with the advantages of High-FrequencyOscillatory
Bubble CPAP Comprises :
An Air Oxygen Blender to control the FiO2 accurately.
In Inbuilt oil-free Dry Air Compressor.
Separate Flow meter & flow controller
In-line water Manometer provided to indicate the
CPAP level.
CPAP water bottle with the tube to set the desired
CPAP levels.
Safety pop-off valve preset at 40 cm H2O.
AcquathermTM is an innovative system manufactured by Shreeyash for thefirst time in medical history, which can deliver high flows of Air or Oxygenranging from 1 to 15 LPM. The high flows of gases are
warmed at body temperature & are humidified up to 99 to 100% relativehumidity & are delivered via nasal Cannula.
Importance of Heat and Humidity:
Heat and Humidity prevent airway water loss, and airway cooling,thickened secretions, nasal irritation & bleeding. AcquathermTM allows the deliveryof breathing gases heated to body temperature & at nearly 100% relativehumidity to a Cannula without drying or cooling the airway.