हमें कॉल करें
07317187065हमें कॉल करें
07317187065UNI-INSTA,a champion of pediatric healthcare solutions, proudly presents the Shreeyash SW21 Neonatal Ventilator: a beacon of gentle yet effective respiratory supportfor premature babies struggling with breathing difficulties.
A Breathof Confidence for NICUs:
The SW21 is a dedicated non-invasive ventilation system that delivers continuouspositive airway pressure (CPAP) to stabilize the delicate lungs of newbornswith Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome (IRDS). Imagine a soft bubble of air,created by a whisper-quiet flow, gently keeping airways open during exhalation,promoting lung development and reducing the need for invasive mechanicalventilation.
WhyChoose UNI-INSTA Shreeyash SW 21?
TechnicalExpertise, Tailored for Tiny Lungs:
UNI-INSTA:Dedicated to Each Precious Breath:
AtUNI-INSTA, we believe every breath matters. That's why we pour our passion andexpertise into crafting medical solutions that make a difference. The ShreeyashSW 21 is an embodiment of this commitment, offering premature babies a gentlepathway to healthier lungs and brighter futures.